STRIKE Magazine
Publication Design
STRIKE is a bi-annual student-led lifestyle publication. I joined as a designer in the Spring of 2021. After demonstrating my skills and commitment, I was promoted to Creative Director Assistant in 2022. It was an enriching experience that allowed me to hone my design and leadership skills.

Issue 01
Roles of a designer include 1. creating graphics for blog posts; 2. To create various graphics we needed for the layout. Among other things, we supported the team whenever we could, such as being on set while we shot, discussing branding, creating various documents, etc. Notable works for my portfolio include my illustration Birthday Party. Below is a portfolio of my work as well as a link to the issue.
Click Here For Issue 01

Issue 02 Chroma
I became an Art Director Assistant for Issue 02. My primary responsibilities included planning + assisting with the Orange shoot; as well as organizing the working InDesign file. A critical component I helped in was communicating ideas from directors to designers, creating cohesion between concept and art. Below is a portfolio of my work as well as a link to the issue.
Click Here For Issue 02

Blog Post Covers

Promotional Graphic for
Westernization Of Anime
Blog Post Cover

Promotional Graphic for
Westernization Of Anime
Instagram Story Cover

Promotional Graphic for
Enemies To Lovers
Instagram Story Cover

Enemies To Lovers
Blog Post Cover

Unlikely Discrimination: The Tribulations of Texured Hair Blog Post Cover

Unlikely Discrimination: The Tribulations of Texured Hair Instagram Story Cover